Homosexuality In The Muslim World

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During 750-1000 AD two prevalent societies, China, and the Muslim World, viewed the morality of homosexuality in different ways. Although, in both locations homosexuality was a relatively common activity. In both societies homosexuality was a behavior engaged in, but was not considered an identity, meaning you were not labeled as a homosexual if you engaged in sexual conduct with someone of your same gender. Although, there were women who engaged in the act of homosexuality not much is written about it; therefore, I will focus on male homosexuality. In both societies homosexuality was considered socially permissible, if some general guidelines were followed. In both societies the act of homosexuality was depended on the age and status of both …show more content…

But if they repent and reform, leave them alone. God is Redeemer, Full of Mercy. ” Meaning that homosexuality is a sinful act according to the Qur’an. This is later, humorously demonstrated by Abu Nuwas in his poem Pandering to Satan. In this poem Abu Nuwas is praying to the devil to bring his male lover back to him. He tells Satan that he already has his soul, but if Satan does not bring his lover back to him, he will begin being a good Muslim by reciting and studying the Qur’an daily. “Not three hours passed from that time Before my darling came to me contritely Seeking my affection and company. ” Although this is a very humorous poem, it makes a point about the morality of homosexuality in Islamic culture. To begin with, Abu Nuwas is praying to the devil, because god does not condone homosexuality therefore would not help Abu Nuwas in his goal. Then he implies that his soul already belongs to the devil since Abu Nuwas is sexuality engaged with his ‘darling’. Then he threatens the devil by saying he will be a good Muslim therefore the devil will lose his soul. In the end the devil grants his wish and Abu Nuwas is reunited with his lover. Throughout this poem, Abu Nuwas is stating that the act of homosexuality is immoral and those engaged in the act are subject to the …show more content…

The Qur’an is a holy book but is also pro-sex. In books like the Holy Bible sex is usually regarded as a negative. On the other hand, the Qur’an realizes that humans are sexual creatures and supports sexual activity, IF it is done under the correct circumstances. The major circumstance being marriage. Once a Muslim Man enters the bonds of marriage with his wife or wives sex is ok to participate in. Although infidelity is considered immoral and is punishable, if the participants are caught by four adult males in the act , extra marital affairs still happened. Since two men could not get married in this culture any form of sexual interaction between two men would be considered immoral on two different grounds, one being the act of homosexuality and the second being the act of