Westboro Baptist Church Homosexuality Case Study

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Homosexuality A Sin?
Examining the Westboro Baptist Church’s View Towards Homosexuality
Research Question: How does the Westboro Baptist Church justify and voice their position against homosexuality?
I. Introduction Paragraph
a) Using primary and secondary sources, this paper explores the Westboro Baptist Church’s reasonings for their hatred towards homosexuals and the ways in which they express their views. The purpose of this paper is to explore the notions of homosexuality as a sin, analyzing both sides of this debated argument, using the Westboro Church as a case study.
II. Homosexuality according to the Bible
a) Sinful behavior, an abomination
i) Two men or two women cannot procreate, defies the union of man and women. Ex: Adam and …show more content…

They could not conceive that such relationships might be nurturing, stable, aand covenantal, but could only be lustful, and exploitve, and cruel” (Holbert 1) ii) Some choose to believe/follow certain beliefs from the Bible but refuse to follow other ones, picking and choosing what they want to believe
(1) “ How will the church find the strength to bear witness in word and deed to all of Scripture’s other teachings regarding sexuality in a context where the larger culture increasingly ignores the biblical vision for sexuality and marriage and experieinces deep brokenness as a result?” (Brownson 3-4)
III. The Position of the Westboro Baptist Church
a) God does not love everyone
i) All evil things in the world (disease, death, sin) were created by God to condemn homosexual