
American Civil Liberties Union Pros And Cons

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The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is promoting laws that will help eliminate discrimination against the LGBT ( Lesbian, Gay, Bi ,Transgender) community. Recently, the repeal of the federal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy proved to be a victory for gay rights supporters. Additionally, the ACLU ‘s goal is to make sure the LGBT individuals have equal opportunity to participate fully in civil society. No LGBT person should experience discrimination in employment, housing, or in businesses and public places, or the suppression of their free expression or privacy rights. In some states the ACLU works for domestic partnership protections as a first step towards the full recongnition and complete protections offered only by marriage. The Supreme Court’s October 2014 decision declared all states laws that reserve marriage for heterosecual couples only, are violating the civil rights of gay and lesbian …show more content…

Those who are support same-sex marriage often argue that love is grounds enough for marriage, Regardless of sexual orientation(2 https://www.aclu.org/).Those who are against same sex marriage often tell their religious aspect, and viewpoints and concerns about the raising of children as the main reason for their opposition.The debate of same-sex marriage involves many legislative,cultural,religious,and family issues(3). Christian groups that argue for same-sex marriage believe that lesbian,and gay people were created by god and should have the same rights as heterosexual couples.Christian groups that argue against homosexuality often say that it is immoral, against gods will,and against human sexual goals which is to have kids.The Islamic faith openly rejects homosexuality telling the story of lot in Sodom as a condemnation of

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