Homosexuals: The Pink Stereotypes In The Holocaust

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Holocaust Homosexuals “We went through more pain as being called monsters when they were the true ones.”(Amanda Peacock) In the year of 1933 the Holocaust was just at the beginning for them all. The victims didn’t know what was going to happen to them, they were scared, in fear, terrified, and much more in results. “We remember with Reverence and Love.”(Hasia Diner) The homosexuals had so much hope, but the beginning of it has been getting worse by the start of Hitler's actions. What were the true meanings to the badges in the Holocaust? As Nazis marked the victims with different types of badges. The pink triangle was one of the badges and it symbolized shame. As homosexual prisoners that was the badge they wore to identify what type of victim they were in the concentration camps. They were all different, except the badges meant they were all same with shame in their new lives in the Holocaust. …show more content…

Some of them were sent to mental hospitals or concentration camps like in Nazi Germany. “Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals.”(Theodor Adorno) The court would even make homosexual men castrated for one of the other consequences of being a homosexual person in the community. Homosexuals weren’t welcomed back to their homes in the aftermath of war for the “shame” they brought on their family's reputation. Hitler's race is the one who gave the idea of them as monsters. Hilter said that homosexual’s were enemies of the state. Nazis believed that homosexuality was a sickness to be cured so they designed policies to “cure” homosexuals, but it was just humiliating. The Nazis used the “Pink List” to hunt down many homosexuals who were either hiding or they escaped. They knew homosexuals as unlikely to decrease the population of producing

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