
Honors Research Has Changed My Life

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When my sophomore year was coming to a close, I was faced with the overwhelming decision of what to take in the approaching year. I was constantly told, “it’s your junior year, try not to stress out too much.” Around the same time, I had overheard fellow peers speaking of a class named Honors Research in Molecular Genetics. Research. What does one think about when they hear that? Exactly. I did not know what to expect. I was immediately intrigued and had made my decision. At that moment, I spoke with my guidance counselor about my schedule and decided to go out on a limb about this new yet unknown class. I was anxious for the course to begin and I was completely oblivious for what was to come. As the class commenced, I became increasingly invested in the information I had obtained. …show more content…

I was not expecting anything-inextirpable contrary to, as I do now I've experienced all that the curriculum, students, and teachers have to offer. As my junior year progressed, I could feel that not only my academic ability but additionally my intellectual level has expanded. As a person, I have matured and gained a sense of reality in the most brutal yet rewarding way possible. I finally realized things like just because you tried your hardest doesn’t mean that the outcome is what you expected. Half of science is building off of failures. It has taught me independence. Previously, I have felt that yes- we worked alone on such projects- yet here, I have learned to balance my schoolwork and my personal life with time management. Previously, teachers would create the illusion that their class is making you independent; when in reality they were holding your hand the entire

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