Hope And Resilience In The Lord Of The Rings

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J. R. R Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings is a classic tale of adventure, conflict, and conquest. Hope and resilience is an outstanding theme that is intertwined throughout the entire trilogy. The characters in the story face seemingly impossible challenges, and yet they continue to persevere, fueled by their sustained hope for a better future. From the smallest hobbit to the most powerful wizard, the characters display the power of hope and resilience, inspiring readers to find strength in even the grisliest of times.
The theme of resilience is strongly depicted throughout The Lord of the Rings as the characters understand the hardships they will endure, and the need to overcome them. As Gandalf explains the necessity of the destruction of the Ring to …show more content…

The members are conflicted about whether they are to stay and defend Minas Tirith or attempt a risky distraction at the Black Gate of Mordor. Eventually, they choose to distract Sauron’s forces in an attempt to buy time for Frodo and Sam in their journey to destroy the Ring on Mount Doom. Aragorn declares, “... it is the last move in a great jeopardy, and for one side of the other it will bring the end of the game… you [Andúril] shall not be sheathed again until the last battle is fought,” (882). Aragorn accepts the fact that this decision will be the final determinant in the fight to save Middle Earth, but he will continue to fight until the war between good and evil is over. This sentiment signifies the characters’ hope and resilience to find a way to defeat Sauron and destroy the Ring, even though there are insurmountable odds and risks stacked against them. There is a sense of determination to see the task through to the end. It suggests an unwavering commitment to the cause in hopes of a better future for all of Middle