
Hope Definition Essay

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In the book of Genesis, God says to Noah, “This is the sign that I am giving for all ages, to come of the covenant between me and you and every living creature with you:” (NAB). Most people know that after God flooded the earth, he promised never to do it again. In return, He blessed the skies with the ultimate masterpiece: the rainbow. Using strokes of color, fragments of light, and tears from the clouds, He gave us a sign of hope. The definition of hope from the Oxford English Dictionary is “grounds for believing that something good may happen”. When I took this photo with my phone, I had to pull over by the pool (it would be on the left of this picture), run in the middle of the road, almost get hit by a car, and take a picture of this …show more content…

It isn’t human nature to believe the best in things all the time. If there is something we don’t like, we automatically think it’s going to be bad. It’s the same for people, places, things; everything we see can be seen as something bad. A very select few of, what I like to call, “positive protons” can always see the good. They are always optimistic and think everything will be ok no matter what. Don’t get me wrong, that’s great if you are always like that. I am happy for you. But sorry, that just isn’t the way life works. Life is full of things that aren’t good. Some people are just genuinely not liked by some of us: Kim Jong Un, Donald Trump, your creepy neighbor, the teacher who can’t teach, the mailman; here insert whomever you please. When we think of them, we don’t think of grounds that something good is going to happen. We think “Oh …show more content…

And when they don’t get something as crazy as the Blessed Mother appearing to them at a fountain, we complain to God or to whoever you believe in. As a teenager, I think the one thing we need to believe in is ourselves. Society has given us a rulebook on how to eat, speak, dress, talk, walk. You name it and society will give us a rule. It doesn’t matter how big or small the rule is: it is a rule. Why don’t we start making the rules for ourselves? Why do we need someone to dictate our lives? We aren’t robots where our every action can be controlled by a computer. We must create our own

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