Hope In I. Q: The Alamo, By Roland Smith

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In the book I.Q: The Alamo by Roland Smith I think the theme is never give up hope. Throughout the story the main characters, Quest and Angela are constantly in sticky situations, no matter the situation the duo never seem to give up hope, at the beginning of the book the theme was not yet made clear but as the story progressed the theme began to take shape, when near the middle of the story, it was made clear to Quest and Angela when another character gave them words of the wiser saying that hope is the only thing that will keep you going through a tough time. As the story progressed from the point of getting the advice, Quest and Angela began to use this advice more and more. Near the end of the novel the theme was much more clearer as Angela describes having hope as an essential. An example of this would be when Quest got kidnapped and Angela was being held hostage in a hotel room both at the same time, they were both very hopeful and didn't give up hope that the other would …show more content…

Words of the wiser was used by giving the main characters advice on hope and why to hope with this I came up with the theme, an example of this is when Malak told Angela why she needs to hope that things will get better. Aha moments were involved by showing the main characters why to never give up hope using this I came up with the theme. Such an example of this comes when after the duo get out of the hotel room hostage situations and realize how hopeful they most be since they were nearly killed. Symbols were used to express hope with this I was able to come up with a theme, an example would be like when Quest and Angela are in a sticky situation Boone would always symbolize