
Horatio And King Hamlet Essay

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1. Identify Bernardo, Francisco, Marcellus, Horatio, and King Hamlet.

Bernardo: Guard, who saw the spirit of the King Hamlet. He also sweared that he will not speak out about the moment in the midnight.
Horatio: He is the best friend of Hamlet, and he is kind, genuine, and rarely questions Hamlet’s irrational decisions.
King Hamlet:dead king/ ghost, and he was the father of Hamlet, and during the midnight he came to the Hamlet, and told him that Claudius was the person who killed him.

2. What had Bernardo seen at a prior watch?

He known as the one of the guard in Hamlet, and he saw the ghost who is the King Hamlet’s spirit. The ghost appeared at the midnight with the smoke.

3. Why does Marcellus think Horatio …show more content…

However, he was not think before he acts.
Polonius: The lord Chamberlain of the Claudius’s court and father of the Ophelia, and her brother. He is a meddlesome.

7. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand?

Since the king of Norway has the enough power to pause the war between Fortinbras, and Cornelius, Voltimand, the war actually stop by the King of Norway. Yet, he is the uncle of the Fortinbras, thus it is the one of another reason that he was able to pause the war.

8. What does the King tell Hamlet?

The King spoke that Hamlet must not depress about his father’s death, even he understands, or not. He was not wanted to Hamlet to return his university again. Furthermore, he added the words that life goes fast, and it will be continue to go over, and over. He prefers that Hamlet should cogitated about his father in the Denmark.

9. Hamlet is upset for two reasons. What are they?

Hamlet knew about the death of his father, and upset, since his father was killed by someone.
Hamlet disappointed to his mother since his uncle, and his mother married each others as soon as possible after his father was died.

10. What news does Horatio bring

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