Irony In Elie Wiesel's 'Night'

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Horrors of The Holocaust The memoir Night by Elie Wiesel is one of the many novels written by him and others about the true cruelty of the Nazis. The memoir shows the abominable actions of the Nazi perpetrators; for example, “Faster, you swine, you filthy sons of bitches!”(Wiesel 91). This quote shows the feelings of the Nazis and how they brutally treated the Jews and other races. Swine, a term for pigs, commonly used throughout the Nazi camps; this is not the first time that the Kapos and other Nazi soldiers have called the Jews pigs or dogs. This quote shows the inhumane treatment of the people sentenced to the concentration camps during World War II where six million Jews die in various ways. Wisel uses irony at the end of the book after the camps and …show more content…

If the patient is unable to recover and return to work quickly, they will be sent to the crematories. We do not know if the roommate’s warnings are true, because when the Russians push the front line of fighting close by, the Nazis evacuate the camp. The doctor that was tending Elie told him that he needed to stay off his foot for two weeks. When word of the evacuation reaches the hospital, Elie finds his father and they decide-due to previous abuses by the Nazi officers- that Elie and his father will walk in the march and not stay at the camp. The march starts two days after Elie’s operation. This is one of the major conflicts of the memoir because it seems to be a “do or die” situation for Elie and his father to remain together. The Nazis push the prisoners to their limits on the march. Many die, others make it to Gleiwitz only to die of suffocation or freezing. The soldiers are unemotional and herd the prisoners like cattle upon arrival,so many prisoners do not even make it to bunks, falling on the ground in