Hot Stuff Research Paper

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Hot Stuff (Figure 8) was created to create awareness around the issue of handling fire and safety. It is an animation that represents cave men inventing the fire and having to be careful to not burn their home. It shows an evolving of human kind from cavemen to modern day suit and tie man. Along the way electricity is invented and appliances are used. A home consisting of a man and his wife and cat shows as example of how fire can get out of hand. The man wants to watch his favourite show, but gets bugged by his wife to plug the iron (in an already overloaded power port) and to make her toast. He leaves his cigarette in the living room before going into the kitchen. The man gets frustrated and the wife comes to help, however he is impatient and electrocutes himself by putting a fork in the toaster. The iron is left unattended and goes up in flames causing the house and village to burn. …show more content…

It is 9:28 minutes long so is not the conventional 30-60 second PSA. It is a very unconventional PSA as it is longer than the usual and does not consist of a voice over. Hot Stuff is a PSA that has a storyline consisting of a background in how humans invented a way to make fire, advancements in technology to create electricity and then moving onto a home environment that uses appliances often. Use of comedic devices such as the man getting electrocuted and the hurry to put the fire out engages viewers in the funny aspects of a serious situation. There is the use of exaggeration as it is not just the house that goes up in flames but all the houses in the village. This is an alternative way to create a PSA that still gets the message across by use of characters. The characters create an experience that is easy to follow and understand for young and old people alike. Therefore it is a useful route in conveying ideas to a wide target