Hotel Rwanda Essay

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This week in class we spent time watching and absorbing the movie Hotel Rwanda. This movie depicts how the cultural differences between two african groups that live in the same african region have led to a genocide. These two groups are called the hutus and the tutsis. Both groups have in the past shared their land, however, after a foreign influence, they were seperated into the two different groups. Each group has had their share of oppressing and taking control over the others, however, at the time that this movie is taking place the hutu forces are trying to get rid of the tutsis. The main character in the movie, Paul, experiences an awkward situation as he is a hutu who works at an upscale hotel called Hotel Rwanda, and his wife is a tutsi …show more content…

When the hutu people revolt against the tutsi, Paul saves all the hutu people he can by bringing them to the hotel, because there are UN soldiers staying at the hotel. The UN people were perceived to be there to assist the Rwandan people in their time of need, however, it appears as quite the opposite when the UN pull out by only taking foreigners back home. This left the tutsi people helpless and vulnerable to the inevitable hutu attacks. After witnessing this part of the movie, I was very shocked at the level of disrespect and disregard that the UN showed towards the Rwandan people, and therefore I disagree with their decision. Even after Paul’s countless favors to the army generals and UN representatives, the UN eventually left Paul and his family to die simply because Paul is a black man. The UN saw the type of savagery that the hutu people had resorted to, after there was footage recorded of the tutsi being slaughtered in the streets, but they still chose to not involve themselves. The UN was ordered to simply escort british and foreign people out of the area of conflict, and leave the hutu to genocide the tutsi people. Of course, to the Rwandan people this was a shocking betrayal, but to the rest of the world the genocide would be

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