House Drug Abuse Outline

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Table of Contents 1. Drug Abuse (Marijuana, Cocaine, etc.) A. Expectations & Policies B. Inside of the House C. Outside but still On Site D. Offsite E. Recommended Courses of Action 2. Alcohol Abuse A. Expectations and Policies B. Inside of the House C. Outside of the House but still on Site D. Offsite E. Recommended Courses of Action 3. Lease Arrangements A. Expectations and Policies B. Exceptions C. Recommended Courses of Action 4. A/R Violations Drug Abuse A. Expectations and Policies i. Marijuana is considered decriminalized in the city of East Lansing ii. This gives said person the right, if over the age of 21, to have and recreationally smoke marijuana on private property if allowed iii. Persons under 21 if caught with under an ounce of marijuana could receive a $25 fine, or full legal action if prosecuted federally B. …show more content…

According to the lease, smoking of any substance within the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Michigan Gamma Chapter house is a violation i. This includes bongs, vaporizers, bowls, one-hitters, etc. 1. The use of any utensil or apparatus that heats marijuana or uses a flame to “cook” the marijuana is a direct violation of contract ii. The by-laws of our fraternity also condemn the use of the controlled substance inside of a chapter facility C. Due to the city’s view of marijuana and the ever-growing marijuana culture, a compromise has been set to allow brothers that do smoke marijuana recreationally and off of the property. As an addition to this compromise, the drug must be smoked off the property, and a brother shall not wear fraternity letters. D. As long as the chapter sees the continual development of brothers as True Gentleman, we will not strike down the legal right of brothers to use marijuana outside of the house and not in letters. E. Courses of Action for Violations i. Dish duty the remainder of the semester ii. No semi-formal/formal iii. Eviction from the Chapter

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