Drug Abuse Treatment Centers Essay

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As a long term or short term care program for drug abuse, treatments centers are used to encourage the stoppage of drug abuse through their various programs. Drug abuse treatment centers offer a wide variety of ways to help attain a clean life style for many addicts that are struggling with their addictions. Many drug abuse treatment centers are staffed by recovered addicts or alcoholics. Since drug abuse is common, treatment centers use rules and stipulations to keep things alive and well in their institutions.

Drug abuse treatment centers are fully able to try to help but not cure addicts from their drug abuse. Treatment centers are able to run groups focused on self preservation and the use also of other programs such as Narcotics Anonymous. Drug abuse treatment centers also have transportation at most times to get the addict to and from local meetings and also to in-house events such as bowling, softball or things of leisure such as …show more content…

This includes alcohol and heroin abuse. These medications are taken to help deal with things such as tremors and also many other side effects of the addict's drug abuse. Treatment centers also monitor things such as the medical needs sometimes and also mental health needs. This is due to the fact that, in some cases of drug abuse, treatment centers need to cope and help with other issues involved in the addicts recovery process which also may include HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.

Addicts use drug abuse treatment centers at the usual time when people cannot tolerate their usage anymore and is sometimes a healthy alternative to being an out-patient and going to NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings. Drug abuse centers also provide liaisons between parents and their children and also for teenagers with their parents. More than half of drug abuse treatment centers are for adults where the others are designed for the addicted