Substance Abuse And Substance Awareness Essay

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Substance related disorders are disorders of taxation dependence, and abuse and substance withdrawal are caused by several substances that can be found legally as well illegal. These can include alcohol, Amphetamines, like LSD and marijuana, morphine and hallucinogens and PCP. Other substance abusers relate to prescribed medication.
While ingestion of some drugs/ medication is considered socially acceptable normal in some societies, regular use of drugs that cause temporary chances in behavior, emotion or thought as well an interruption in overall functioning. A stimulant becomes a dominant factor in someone’s life and it may affect the person for most the day. It will also affect friends, family and relationships. Often multiple substances …show more content…

The dependent user relates to this as a craving and needs more of the substance to achieve the effect that a lesser amount of the substance induced in the past. This is known as tolerance. A person experience symptoms like increased heart rate, shaking, insomnia, fatigue and irritability.
Substance abuse is continued use of substance in spite of school and professional or social related problems.
Drug abuse and dependence originate from a variety of causes, including biological, psychological and other social cultural factors. Unemployment and isolation has helped raise dependency and abuse.
Treatment for substances use disorders depends in large part on the substance. Often several treatments are used as well for inpatient and outpatient treatment in recovery from abuse and dependence. Biological treatments as detoxification and drug maintenance therapy are often initially required. A next step might be an Alcohol Anonymous (AA) or other 12 step programs are effective social cultural treatments that focus on abstinence or cognitive behavioral therapy. Many of these models and conducted in a community setting with further