Wvs 211 Substance Abuse Essay

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MADUMI EC 25357158 ASSIGNMENT WVNS 211 Drug Abuse Contents Underlying principles and world view 3 Teenagers on substance abuse 3 How stress can influence substance abuse 3 Pride in our communities (drugs abuse regarding rich people) 4 Commonly abused substance 4 Influence of believes to substance abuse 5 How substance abuse affects you 5 Taking control of our communities and protecting them from substance abuse 6 Conclusion 7 What is Drug Abuse? “Drug abuse, also called substance abuse or chemical abuse, is a disorder that is characterized by a destructive pattern of using a substance that leads to significant problems or distress” http://www.medicinenet.com/drug_abuse/page2.htm According to B, Edelfield & T, J Moosa (2012: 4) drug abuse are substances that you take- whether man- made or come from a natural source that change or influence the way you feel, think and act. There are lot of different drugs in this world e.g. dagga, alcohol, cocaine. Drug abuse tend to be the most dangerous activity in our communities, individuals who take them often do wrong things and blame it on the substances. …show more content…

People who use drugs often can’t control their seeking habit and this lead them to do anything to make sure that they get the drugs as this drugs enslave them, drug abuse can lead you to prostitution, being a criminal etc. Whatever that happens as a result of drug abuse, all the time seems to be

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