How Can AI Be Applied To Surveillance Security And Defense

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How AI can be applied to surveillance, security and defense
Advantages, Risks and Challenges of AI applied at security field
Terror strikes and crime are rampaging through societies at a diabolical pace, and it will be senseless to share here the horrifying statistics because the purpose of this article is to introduce the world with the best security solutions rather than evoking their fear. Illicit use of advanced technology is making the criminals smarter day after day. So, the simplest way to combat crime is going beyond the intelligentsia of perpetrators; using sharper strategies and security tools than their crime weapons. Undoubtedly, there could be no other security framework stronger than the ultimate combo of human intelligence and …show more content…

ANNs are software loosely modeled after the neuronal structure of the mammalian cerebral cortex. They are currently much simpler; ANNs such as AlphaGo are powerful because of their laser-like focus on just one thing. Processing units (referred to as nodes) are organized into layers: input, hidden, and output. Input layers roughly correspond to photoreceptors in the retina. Hidden layers are like the neurons that process signals from the retina and pass those signals to the visual cortex. Output layers correspond to the visual cortex. Simple ANNs have a single hidden layer. ANNs with two or more hidden layers are capable of deep learning; such ANNs can process more complex data sets than ANNs having only one hidden layer. Deep learning currently provides the best solutions to problems in image and speech recognition, and natural language processing (NLP). The key to deep learning is access to large, high-quality …show more content…

AI-powered robots can negotiate hazardous terrains, perform remote surgery, and most importantly execute surveillance and strike missions. Most of the advanced defense technologies in the world are robots, with militaries deploying unmanned autonomous vehicles for reconnaissance including detecting anti-ship mines, monitoring coastal waters, and precision air strikes on evasive targets. Boston Dynamics of the US has developed a 1.8m tall robot that can execute a variety of search and rescue operations, furnish emergency services, and perform multiple other tasks, in environments where humans can't possibly