How Can Atmospheric Pressure Affects How Objects Work With Motion

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“Every Object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it.” Explained Isaac Newton. Isaac's thoughts were based on how objects work with motion. Balloon powered cars are affected by earth's forces. These forces include types of pressure, speed, kinds of energy, and Newton’s laws.
Pressure affects how most moving objects moves because it can’t move as easily with pressure on it. Atmospheric pressure affects how human breath the higher elevation a person is at. Atmospheric Pressure has weight which is the reason it makes it harder to breath. (2000)The higher elevation a human is, is the reason why the oxygen is more dense.(2000) There are many types of force that are types of pressure. Gravity is a type of force that is on every planet. Push and pull is a different type of force that is also commonly used. If all types of pressure didn’t exist, then life on Earth would be so different. …show more content…

Velocity is a special kind of speed that is a vector.(2015) Velocity is the rate of motion in a specific direction. (2015) When you work on velocity you will use a lot of vectors.(2015) Acceleration is the other main kind of speed. Acceleration is when in an object starts speeding up. (Kindersley, 2007) A force is always need in order for acceleration to occur. (Kindersley, 2007) Luckily people can understand that acceleration and velocity is a part of speed or else they wouldn't understand speed as