How Can King Kamehameha Be On The Historic Coin

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Do you know King Kamehameha? King Kamehameha was a strong and great leader that wanted to take control of all the Hawaiian Islands.He was also born at Kohala at 1758. But have you ever wondered why King Kamehameha I was on the 50th State quarter? It is such an honor to represent our state on such a national level. However, how did he earn to be on the historic golden coin? Yes, King Kamehameha I had a great vision to unite Hawaiian Islands under one rule. King Kamehameha I should be on the historic coin because he was a powerful, wise, and brave leader.

The first reason why King Kamehameha was powerful was that he became a mighty conquer.He was a powerful because he fought Keoua and other chiefs to rule the islands of Hawaii. He also quickly took steps to having peace and wealth to his people after he charged all the other islands. For example, on the source #1 it says that “Kamehameha would become a powerful conqueror”. It also says that “Kamehameha was now controlling of all the islands. He quickly took steps to bring peace and wealth to his people”. …show more content…

He was economical in knowing that trading showed great wealth. Also he was being wise politically by protecting the islands. When Kamehameha made new laws these laws help unify the islands so there's no civil war. For example, on source #2 it says that "King Kamehameha and Ka'umu'ali'i released that trading offered great wealth". It also says that "Kamehameha made new laws. These laws helped people to unite the islands. They also help protect the islands from takeover by other