How Music Affects The Brain Essay

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Music has a great affect on how a person acts and how a person thinks. It develops good and bad character traits. Music is not just different sounds and noises with lyrics set to them; it carries various beats and melodies that affect our emotions. Certain strong tempos and beats can heighten adrenaline and make someone energetic and joyful. No one actually knows the real influence of music. A few types of music that affect the brain are classical, pop, and jazz. Classical music positively affects the brain, generally, enhancing memory and happiness. “The results showed listening to classical music enhanced activity of genes involved in dopamine secretion (the feel good) hormone), and ‘transport synaptic function, learning, and memory’” (Castillo 1). Classical music improves moods and makes it easier to retain information. This means that people become happier and more joyful; with increased ability to retain information, people will do better in school. “ ‘Listening to classical music …show more content…

“[Theta brain waves brought about by jazz music] inspire new insights and solutions to unresolved problems (“Eureka!” moments)” (Top Masters in Healthcare Administration 1). This music allows brain to look at problems in different ways. This means that people can understand situations and people better. “Learning jazz may be the ultimate in training young minds to think critically and creatively” (Klemm 1). Thinking critically is important because life is unpredictable and it is good to be prepared. Critical and creative thinking makes it easier to solve issues and overcome obstacles. “Jazz fans have high self-esteem, are creative, outgoing and at ease” (Cooper 1). Jazz listeners would make great leaders and role models due to these attributes. They are self-assured and carry themselves well. The effect of jazz on the brain is highly positive and tends to make desirable

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