
How Did Abraham Lincoln Freed African Americans Freed

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2. When people say President Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves most people look at this as having a strictly positive outcome. Most people feel this way as it appears to be that the slaves are being freed, and this seems like something which could only bring joy, however this is a myth and a misuse of the term freed as although the African-American’s are no longer slaves, they are far from free. Many African Americans lives improved after Lincolns decrees, however the lives for many was hard from easy.

Although the slaves may legally be free, this new law could not, and did not, change the southerners view towards African Americans. According to the law, African Americans could no longer be slaves, nonetheless the white American people still look at them as inferior. This …show more content…

However society did not make it easy. Heavy segregation began taking place as their would be washrooms and restoraunts which would not serve African Americans. This quickly created a clear divide between blacks and whites. As well, many states introduced black codes as a replacement to slave codes, this made life significantly harder for slaves when they were freed which is one of the large factors in why slaves had to revert back to working for their once owners. As well, many citizens refused to live near Africa Americans, which lead to real-estate agents either not selling to them or isolating them from the white Americans. This snowballed into the lower-class black neighbourhoods we have today.

To me, as well to Booker T and many other African Americans what Lincoln is not freedom, it is freedom from slavery, but not freedom from racism and segregation. It is these reasons why many of the africans would would say that even though their ives were better then they were when they were slaves, life was not significantly improved for

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