How Did Augustus Ceasars Control Their Religion?

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Christianity, Buddhism and Muslim religions all place similar restrictions on their ruler’s reinforcement of power and the ruler’s limitations on their subject. Religion sets the standards for how rulers spread their power, their religion and affects the way they control their subjects. Some religions go as limiting their subject personal relationships and criticizing their social economic levels.
Christianity emerged during the Roman time period where there was no separation of the church and state. Priest were state officials who performed that performed sacrifices to please gods and the priest urged people to be celibate as he criticized sex outside of marriage. Augustus Ceasar only believed in sex for procreation so even those that were married should only perform sex for children. Augustus also comprised all who followed God’s laws and believed those who did not follow will be damned by at the end of time, this method produced thinkers who shaped the theology of Christianity. Augustus redefined Christianity’s relation to the Roman world. …show more content…

Buddha condemned the responsible use of wealth sych as drinking, gambling, and laziness. He wanted people to avoid taking animal life and try eating a lot of vegetables. Ashoka of 269-232 BCE committed to nonviolence. He pledged to bear wrong without violent retribution and to look kindly on all his subjects and to ensure safety, happiness, and peace of mind. He also designed laws to encourage compassion and mutual tolerance. He also did not persecute other