How Did Austria-Hungary And Serbia Cause Ww1

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Austria-Hungary and Serbia have had many disagreements throughout the years. On June 28, 1914, a Bosnian Serb shot and killed the Austro-Hungarian emperor’s nephew, Archduke Francis Ferdinand. Austria-Hungary accused Serbia of planning the crime. On July 28 Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Both the countries looked to their allies for help. Austria-Hungary’s alliances were Germany and Italy. The small country of Serbia depended on Russia for its protection. Russia was more powerful and was allied France and Great Britain. Within a few weeks, most of the countries of Europe were at war. When the war finally ended in January 1919 the leaders of the Allies met in Paris, France, to create a peace treaty, the Allies who had won the battle …show more content…

Militarism between the Great Powers in Europe put military leaders as the government minister, which meant that the army and military were considered highly esteemed by the government. Russia was one of the examples of how active the military was during that time, any of the central European power was always ready for war, even at last minute notice they were ready to go. (size of military) One of the leading causes of World War 1 was Russian Mobilization, Russia was the first significant power to mobilize, on July 28, the same day Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Signifying that Russia was declaring war and using aggressive approaches which pushed other countries such as Germany to do the same. Russia's military was too active that they were able to mobilize in only one day with no need for hesitation. Showing that Russia threatened Germany and Germany had to declare war to protect themselves. These actions show how Russia's vigorous activity could be seen as very violent and threatening to other countries. Most nations were on heightened alert caused by various