Although there might be some evidence that Capitalism helped improve the lives of the British people from 1760-1880, it mostly caused them hardship and pain. During the industrial revolution, the idea of capitalism began to expand across Britain and several job opportunities became available for the working class. They saw this an opportunity for a better life, higher wages, a better system than what they had working at the farms. What they did not realize was that this system alongside the industrial revolution brought child labor in factories, bad working conditions, and creativity-killing jobs which only made life worse for the British people.
During the industrial revolution, factories were being built which meant that the job opportunities
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On a Sadler Commision report on child labor it is stated to us the horrifying inhumane conditions that the children were put through everyday. They suffered from low pay even after working for long hours, treated with cruelty and violence even when they were working their hardest, and most importantly they had no time for education. In both interviews the machinery were said to be very unsafe, polluted, tight, and extremely dirty. In addition to that life threatening injuries were common because the factories were not kept clean and with everyone crammed into one small, closed, hot space to work, diseases were easy to catch. (The Industrial Revolution 145-147) According to Perry, Capitalism caused many people hardship and pain especially the working class who suffered pay cuts because machines were starting to replace human power. Factory labor was very strict and harsh to the workers, everything was done according to schedule (135). Workers spent twelve to fourteen hours a day, six to seven days a week, in the factories. Other than the harsh conditions of the factory itself the children working under those circumstances were being beaten and abused very frequently which only added to their pain and suffering. According to , the children thought that if they were not beaten regularly they would not have worked in the factory. According to John Birley, Frank, the factory owner, was constantly beating him and the other kids as well. Once he beat him till he thought he was dead, and once he broke his elbows trying to protect his head from the raised stick he was threatened by. Workers were carefully supervised by managers, called overlookers, who would go around the mill threatening and beating the children senseless with a stick. (Stanford ) Capitalism affected children negatively, their health and well-being. In an interview about the health of