How Did Chris Mccandless Go To Into The Wild

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I think that Chris went ‘Into the Wild’ because of family problems, emotional and psychological damage, and philosophical beliefs. Christopher Johnson McCandless was a non materialistic man in a very material demanding society which eventually led him to his death in Alaska. He saw the world differently and had such a different mindset than everyone around him; he did not think the same way. McCandless always had problems with his parents. He especially had a great anger towards his father when he found out that he had another family he kept secret, along with six half siblings. Chris didn’t take it well. He never saw eye to eye with them. Perhaps this began when Chris and his siblings were just children; when there was money problems and always too busy parents. In the book, Carine, Chris’s sister, says, “Walt’s separation from his first wife left him with two families to support . . . It was a stressful existence. Both Walt and Billie are tightly wound, emotional, loath to give around”. This explains how it wasn’t just Walt’s other family that caused their relationship with Chris to crumble; it was also Walt and Billie who were too focused on their careers to pay attention to their children and that maybe all they needed to do was spend time with them. …show more content…

Chris had to have kept that anger inside and to himself without ever confronting his parents and resolving the issues. It isn't healthy for anyone, least of all a child, to keep any emotions inside for so long. Since finding his father's secret, it strained his relationship with his parents even further and because of that, it might have cause him to be more stubborn and independent, which was both beneficial and damaging for