Chris Mccandless In 'Into The Wild'

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Into the Wild What would the majority of the population do if the opportunity came up to go into the wild? Chris McCandless not telling anyone where he was going and without necessary supplies was stupid for going into the Alaskan wild. Chris McCandless did not want anyone to know where he was going. The narrator stated, “He announced at his graduation party that he was going away for a while but didn’t say where he was going” (20/20 Documentary). Chris McCandless stated he was going away for a while, however he didn’t tell his parents or his sister where he was going to be or how long he will be gone. If something bad happened to Chris McCandless, as it did, his family would be able to tell so that he could be found. If it weren’t for …show more content…

“His rifle was only .22 caliber, a bore too small to rely on if he expected to kill large animals like moose and caribou, which he would have to eat if he hoped to remain very long in the country. He had no ax, no bug dope, no snowshoes, no compass. The only navigational aid in his possession was a tattered state road map he’d scrounged at a gas station.“(Krakauer 6). McCandless brought only a few materials to survive, the amount or supplies and the items he brought definitely showed Chris McCandless was unprepared. Chris McCandless couldn’t tell which way he was going, if mosquitoes or a different type of bug started to attack him, he had no way to get them away from him. He didn’t have an ax incase he ran out of bullets in his gun to kill animals, in many ways Chris McCandless was stupidly unprepared. “Before Alex left the pickup, Gallien reached behind the seat, pulled out an old pair of rubber work boots, and persuaded the boy to take them. “They were too big for him,” Gallien recalls. “But I said, ‘Wear two pair of socks, and your feet ought to stay halfway warm and dry.’”” (Krakauer 7). Chris McCandless would not have needed to borrow the strangers boots if Chris McCandless himself was prepared to go on this adventure in the wild. “McCandless did commit one commendable act in his life: Just before he turned his back on family and old friends, he gave the $24,292 left in his college