How Did Christianity Contribute To The Formation Of The Holy Spirit

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1. The Old Testament. In the Old Testament, the Spirit came upon whom he would and for such purposes as God determined; He left them as freely as He came when His designs were realized. If He abode with a king or a prophet, it was only because of the fact that such abiding was the immediate purpose of God. In this first period, the Holy Spirit is seen as Creator, as the energizing power working in certain men who fulfilled a specific purpose of God’s and as Author of the Scriptures.

2. The period of transition. In the period of transition, the Holy Spirit was offered by Christ to all who asked for Him (Luke 11:13). Much in this transitional situation became permanent was not established until Gentiles were received into the same spiritual Body with the believing Jews. There is no record respecting the laying on of any hands in Cornelius’ house; however, this experience marked the beginning of a new and permanent order for the present age.

3. The present age. In the present age are unfolded the whole new reality which the Christians is as well as his daily-life responsibility and service, which life and service are to be wrought by the Holy Spirit in answer to a continuing faith.

4. The kingdom age. There yet remains an entire age of specific undertakings and …show more content…

1 Peter 1:10-11) but is wholly unrelated to that which went before and as wholly unrelated to that which follows. The Holy Spirit in this present age has a distinct role, which is called the New Divine Purpose, which is the gathering out from both Jews and Gentiles of a heavenly people, the Body, and Bride of Christ. They, by divine transforming power, will not only be qualified for residence in the highest heaven but qualify them well for everlasting association with the Members of the blessed Trinity. This present age of the Holy Spirit is unique and unrelated to any other era in the human history that has been or ever will