
How Did Christopher Columbus Influence Human Progress

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Christopher Columbus was a teenager when he went on his trip on the sea. He first went to the island of Khios, in modern day Greece, brought him the closest he would come to Asia. His first voyage in 1476 But when he went on it almost caused him his life. That is because the ships he was on were attacked by French privateers off the coast of Portugal. The ship he was on was torched and he had to swim to Portuguese shore. When he was on that land he went to a village called Lisbon, Portugal he ended up making a home there and married a woman from there her name was Felipa Perestrello. They eventually had a son named Diego he was born around 1480. After that his wife did a while later then Christopher Columbus moved to Spain. After he moved to …show more content…

Christopher Columbus argued that we could reach Europe without going around Africa by sailing the Atlantic Ocean, but the people he opposed that too did not want to fund him. After a little while, the Spanish decided to fund his exploration, but that was not until 1491. Before we sailed he worked out an agreement was he get 10 percent of what he finds, he also gets a noble title and governorship of the land he encounters. the first day he left to sail to find the new route to Europe was on August 3, 1492. Under his command, he had three ships to help find the new way to Europe they were the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina. The first place he found was the Bahamas. When Columbus landed on October 12 he thought it was Asia but instead it was the Bahamian islands. After that, he sailed the Caribean to find gold, silver, pearls, precious stones, and spice, because he proposed it to the Spanish patron, but he did not find much. On March 1493 he left 40 men behind in a makeshift settlement on Hispaniola, and he returned to Spain.

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