How Did Danforth The Main Cause Of The Salem Witch Trials

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Adan Amador


Ms. Cornlius

December 2, 2015

Nineteen People in Salem were hanged for witchcraft.

One was even pressed to death but who is to blame for these deaths. Well he is

The supreme leader in court justice and he is a well known judge in the town of Salem.

Danforth is also the main cause of the Salem witch trails which took place in Salem,

Massachusetts during the scandalous witch trials of the sixteen hundreds

In the witch trials many accusations were made of those who were to believed to

Practice witchcraft, most of which were false claims Abigail Williams. Judge Danforth

Failed to thoroughly examine the evidence that was presented by the girls because of his

Ignorance Danforth thought that He was the ultimate Witch hunter and he would …show more content…

John presents Mary Warren to

Expose Abigail Williams and the girls making false accusations. Indeed, it is highly likely

That Danforth didn’t take Mary’s claim serious. The evidence shows that Danforth

Sympathy shifts towards the girls. Mary’s inability to faint right there proves to Danforth

The girls could not be pretending.

According to Danforth “Near to four hundred are in jails and upon my signature

Seventy-two contended to hang.” The Significant of Danforth”s argument is that he

Is trying to impress all those in the room with him. Danforth is also is requesting the up most respect from the court house. Judge Danforth does not anyone to question about

His expertise on identifying and getting rid of witchery. Danforth sates “Be quiet! Be

Quiet.” In other words, Danforth Believes that he is being Disrespected he also

Thinks he is being ignored. Danforth brags about all the power he has as the main judge.

Proctor brings evidence to Danforth but he thinks that proctor is trying to overthrow the

Court. He holds a very closed off court.

In Conclusion all of The Salem Witch Trails Could has been prevented