
How Did Elvis Presley's Impact On American Culture

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The King And His Effect On The World

Elvis Presley was a person who sang Rock ‘n’ Roll that made his version popular. Elvis was born on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi. Elvis started getting fans in 1955 through his style of music, hip movements, and his good looks. Although Elvis was most known for being a singer he was also known for being an actor as well and became a hit. Elvis was drafted in the army for a short while and after leaving the Army he resumed his career as a singer and an actor. Elvis died in August 16, 1977 because of heart failure and has been considered a popular music icon. Elvis is considered a person who significantly changed the American culture because of his influence on pop culture, made a great impact …show more content…

People in America segregated the whites from the black during the time Elvis made music. There were separate areas made for whites people and black people. Even the genres of music were separated until Elvis made music. Elvis brought, “a style which owed so much to rhythm and blues, Elvis brought black music to a much wider audience of white teenagers,” which helps with the race barrier (Colloney 20). This helps the race barrier because the white teenagers will be the next adults in the world. With the influence of this music the teens will look past the race barrier to learn more about black culture. The new adults will also be less violent with the black community when they hear Elvis’s music because it will make them more lenient towards the black community. Elvis was considered, “ one of the first singers to be appreciated and liked by both the black and white communities,” (Deol 3) This is a major impact in getting the races to tolerate each other because Elvis’s music uses both of their genres of music to create his songs. This shows the blacks that whites aren’t all bad and gives the whites a taster of the blacks music. This also gives the people a common interest that they can relate to. Elvis made an impact to the race barrier because it was believed that he, “brought African American music to white listeners, because before him whites were unfamiliar with that type of music.” (Deol 3). This proves that Elvis was an impact to the racial barrier because he did the one thing that no one has done before. By doing this white people will have a better understanding of African Americans and of it’s music. Another reason to believe that Elvis made an impact to the race barrier is the fact that his music symbolizes the cultures blending together in the mainstream (Halberstam 456-457). If Elvis didn’t make an impact to the race

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