How Did Galileo Contribute To Science

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Galileo contributed to modern science tremendously. He not only contributed to our understanding of the universe, but also in the methods he developed and the use of mathematics to prove them.He made discoveries, developed his own inventions and even earned the moniker, “The Father of Modern Science”. He was a very important figure in astronomy, history and more. He was born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa in the Duchy of Florence, Italy. He was the youngest of 6 children. His father was Vincenzo Galilei, a successful musician and music theorist, and his mother was Giulia Ammannati. His Family moved to Florence where Galileo went to Camaldolese monastery in Vallombrosa. In 1583 he went to study at the university of Pisa, where he began getting interested in mathematics and physics. Sadly due to financial problems he had to leave the …show more content…

He soon made his own that was more powerful, and turned toward the night sky. He found that Venus had phases like the moon, which proved it revolved around the sun. He also found that Jupiter had moons that revolved around Jupiter and not the earth, also proving the earth wasn’t the center of the universe. He soon published his findings, which refuted the aristotelian views. These findings also supported the Copernican, which stated that the Sun was the center of the Universe. The Roman Catholic Church soon found out and believed he was opposing their views, and ordered him to not “hold, teach, or defend in any matter” the Copernican theory. So he stopped what he was doing and obeyed, for seven years. He published the Dialogue which supported the Copernican theory, and was soon summoned to Rome where he was put on trial. He was mostly treated with respect but, to finally break him the church threatened to torture him. Galileo then confessed to supporting the Copernican theory and was convicted of heresy and put under house arrest he spent his last