How Did Genghis Khan Shaped The Modern World

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In the book Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World, Jack Weatherford describes Genghis Khans two legacies as a military conquer and intelligent administrator. Weatherford refers to Khan, as Temuhin symbolizing one of the most successful leaders in history itself. By Weatherford using this name let alone Khans childhood and his deficiency shows at a young age the leadership he had. Genghis Khan’s legacy as intelligent administer shaped the modern world politically, cultural and economically and politically. Through Genghis Khans’ legacy as intelligent administrator he created one of the largest empire and affected points of modern world today.
One of the ways Khan shaped the modern world through his legacy was the way he looked at advancing society. Khan had a mindset to make the Mongol empire as great as it could be which meant advancing the empire in every way possible. Khan introduced many technology and systems by adapting other cultures that he won over and conquered. By doing so he gave the Mongol empire technology, systems and cultural diversity. Weatherford states, Khan was willing to adopt and combine systems from all over, without deep cultural preferences. This shows that Khan didn’t care what culture he took or didn’t he would take the good out of that culture and help …show more content…

Khan wanted to grow the empire as big as he could and by doing so he had to have the right tactics and mindset to keep the empire going even after his era. Jack Weatherford states, “ Warriors everywhere had been taught to die for their leader, but Genghis Khan never asked his men to die for him. Above all else he wager war with his strategic purpose in mind to preserve Mongol life.” (Pg. 91) Weather Genghis Khan knew it then or not he helped shaped the modern world by this mindset. Our troops in the US go into combat fighting not for the president but to preserve the United

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