How Did George Washington Carver Contribute To Agriculture

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The Nutty Professor Why is agriculture so important? Agriculture is the process of farming animals and plants for human consumption. This process is important because it controls what we put into our body. Naturally, any change made in this field affects everyone. One man made significant contributions to this practice. Born a slave in Missouri, George Washington Carver has contributed to many advancements made in this field, contributions such as chemurgy, which is the use of agricultural goods for industrial use. Some examples of chemurgy being, the use of cellulose in camera film and the use of corn in the manufacturing of plastics. His ideas changed the world. George Washington Carver is important because he changed the way people farm …show more content…

After George Washington Carver introduced his new food inventions,such as peanut milk and oil,their economy bloomed (“George Washington Carver”). A new realization of a multitude of options for their produce that could only be limited by creativity, lead to the increase of economic opportunities because now they did not have to go with the traditional options of producing their goods. This benefited farmers everywhere and is exemplified in grocery stores with the seemingly endless variety of …show more content…

George Washington Carver’s contributions to farming were indeed grand, but he also made great contributions to chemurgy science, which has shown to be potent over time. Chemurgy is the use of agricultural goods for industrial use. George Washington Carver is regarded as the father of Chemurgy. Working with Henry Ford, he created some of the first chemurgy innovations. They attempted to create vehicles that were made of a plastic alternative. They eventually succeeded with soybeans (“History of Soybeans”). One of the aforementioned over 300 peanut creations of George Washington Carver’s was peanut oil, which he used to massage polio patients (“George Washington Carver”). The therapy was seemingly potent, but it was later discovered that the massage itself was what worked. Even though George Washington Carver didn’t directly discover this polio treatment, without his effort it would not have been discovered yet. During World War Two, Japan cut off the U.S rubber supply. Rubber was now in high demand because it was used in military equipment such as gas masks. This is where chemurgy would prove to be useful; the U.S began making synthetic rubber out of corn (“National Historic Chemical Landmark”).Without Carver’s studies, this achievement may have never have existed and the outcome of World War Two could have been