How Did George Washington Contribute To The Constitution

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Without the great leadership of the early founders of this country and the things they accomplished, this country could have turned out much different than what it is. The founders of this country were smart, confident, were good leaders and politicians. All of the things they did influenced events up to the writing of the Constitution, they’re desire to create a strong and powerful form of government for the United States gave them ideas for the Constitution. Some of the more powerful leaders that had a greater contribution to this country and the writing of the Constitution were James Madison, George Washington and John Adams. These men, had helped craft what we now follow and because of that, America is in the shape it is.
“When James Madison and the other 56 delegates to the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in May 1787, they intended to amend the Articles of Confederation” (America’s Library). …show more content…

Like many great leaders who inspired their followers, “Washington valued the people he led rather than thinking of them as means to an end” (Stallard). Washington’s soldiers knew that he respected them and saw them as equals, and that he would experience the severe hardships like they did. His humility was reflected in the way he gave people a voice by seeking and considering their opinions and ideas. The historical representation present a leader who inspires confidence in the people who followed him. George Washington, like all effective leaders, communicated with his people and had always valued their opinions on matters concerning them. Under his leadership the colonists ended up defeating the British military who were heavily trained and resourced. His leadership inspired others to make a change, take care of others and to model what behavior they want to see in