A factor that continues to influence people today is the Harlem Renaissance writers, musicians, and artists. Within their work, these artists found ways to express themselves and create art that reflected current issues. They used to place themselves in rooms they weren't allowed to play in to close the racial gap. An article titled “Harlem’s Renaissance” written by Michael Lasser, describes a musical written by F. E. Miller and Aubrey Lyles called Shuffle Along. Lasser says “The show lasted for 464 performances… Broadway producers never again systematically excluded African Americans from the theatre, although black songwriters and performers faced different forms of discrimination through the twenties and beyond” (Lasser 53). The show spoke …show more content…
During the Harlem Renaissance, it was very difficult to get recognition on a large scale. A variety of media outlets were introduced to spread the word about different creatives, such as newspapers, theatres, radio stations, and even conferences. Groups such as the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), and the UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) worked together to make a difference. In the article written by Gerald Earl, he says that “The war taught blacks that whites were not all-powerful and that the colonial status of the colored races could be overcome. There was, indeed, a collective colonial identity... the war sharpened awareness among blacks of “[the] concepts of self-determination, separatism, and cultural identity,” which became the ideological fault-lines of the twentieth-century civil rights struggle" (Ealy 13). The war helped them realize that they were stronger as a people and that power was in numbers. Black people also used this sense of community to educate the following generation and pass on wealth to the following generations. Lots of artists and musicians started their own art classes and singing classes. This grew them closer to the upcoming generation and created foundational traditions for years to come. As with today’s culture, unity has made it easy to create black organizations. This has led to various forms of music, art, and culture still celebrated 100 years