
How Did Harper Lee Develop

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While growing up in the 1930s, Nelle Harper Lee experienced problems and great moments in the world around her. All of these important experiences played a role in her award winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird. By applying the skills she learned from seeing problems of the world and solving them Lee was able to fabricate a novel that would leave a mark on humanity and that would teach people how to respect and love each other. While writing To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee was inspired by her early life, racism in the south, family relationships, and class divisions during her time.

Growing up in a conservative southern family Harper Lee was able to acquire plenty of information about family and life in a small southern town to include in …show more content…

Atticus’s character was a resemblance of Harper Lee’s father, Amasa Coleman Lee. Mr. Lee was a lawyer in Monroeville, Louisiana. In 1919 Mr. Lee was chosen to defend two African Americans accused of rape much like the case of Tom Robinson (“Harper Lee (April 28, 1926- )” 765).
Atticus is appointed as Tom’s defense attorney because he feels morally urged to discover and reveal the truth behind the case of Tom Robinson. This is much like a case that Amasa Coleman Lee would have dealt with during their time of harsh segregation and unfair laws (“Harper Lee (April 28, 1926- )” 765). Scout is much like Harper Lee growing up because of her “tomboyish” personality, and close relationship with her father.
Literary Themes for Students states, “Alexandra loathes Scout's overalls—the symbol of Scout’s freedom from gender constraints—and tries to make her wear a dress as often as possible” (Literary Themes for Students 478).
Scout looks up to important people in her life but the most influential is Atticus because he is smart and accepting of all people Scout is inspired throughout the story and although there are times she stumbles and makes the wrong choice she always learns from her mistake

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