How Did Henry George Contribute To The Industrialization Of America

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An Industrialized Nation The industrialization of America was one of the most rapid growth periods in which there were many prominent individuals that made important contributions to that era. Writers Henry George and Edward Bellamy were two people who had thought provoking solutions on how this period could improve. Three other renowned individuals who had significant roles during this time were Frances Willard, Charlotte Gilman, and Margaret Sanger. These women all played a part in transforming the rights of women during this time. These individuals all made distinct impacts on the era and their works will forever remain a vital part of the teachings when discussing the industrialization of America. Henry George was one of the best-selling authors during the industrialization of America. George was a prominent person during this era that had a great many followers. He believed emphatically that the social organization of this time had a great many things wrong with it. Being one of the most …show more content…

Her passion was educating women on birth control. She also wrote a journal called The Woman Rebel in which she published advertisements about contraception. During this time, material on contraception could not be distributed nor could contraceptive devices be sold because it was illegal. Her belief was that if women should be able to make decisions about their body and whether or not they wanted to bare children. “No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother (Foner 90).” In 1916, she opened a clinic in Brooklyn where she handed out contraceptives to local women. She fought for their rights even though she knew she would be punished for her actions. Indeed she was punished and served a jail sentence since she disobeyed the law and opened her clinic to distribute the