How Did Isaac Newton Contribute To The Scientific Revolution

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Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist and mathematician, who influence a lot of philosopher through of all time. Newton born in a small town called Woolsthorpe, England, January 4, 1643. Newton plays a big important role in scientific revolution. With discoveries in optics, motion and mathematics, Newton developed the principles of modern physics. Newton bored three months after the death of his father, a prosperous famer also named Isaac Newton. After the death of Newton father, his mother, Hannah Ayscough, remarried to a minister when Newton was three year old and had three children from her second marriage. Hannah leaves behind her son, to his maternal grandmother, Margery Ayscough. Newton was educated at The King’s …show more content…

It’s a description of bodies in motion “in three basic law: first, a stationary body will stay stationary unless an external force is applied to it; second, force is equal to mass times acceleration, and a change in motion is proportional to the force applied; three, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” These three laws helped explain not only elliptical planetary orbit, nearly every other motion in the universe. Its show or described how the moon revolves around Earth and the moons of Jupiter revolve around it. The laws also applied for Newton to calculate the mass of each planet, and how the gravitational pull of the sun and moon create the Earth’s tides. Upon the publication of the first edition of Principle, Hooke accused Newton for stealing his work. Hooke never stop offend Newton, and knowing that his rival would soon be elected president of the Royal Society; Hooke refused to retire until the year of his death, in 1703. As Newton was selected as the president of Royal Academy, hi future completely changes and keep continue grow as his ages come. In 1705, he had the same situation of being accused from stealing the German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz; the philosopher claimed that he had discovered infinitesimal calculus several years before the publication of Principia (Principle). Leibniz was beaten by Newton since the Royal Society appointed a committee to investigate the matter and Newton was the president of the

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