How Did James Fenimore Cooper's Life Influence His Work?

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Reading classic literature is something typically done in high school and is known and admired by people all over the world. Writing from the Romantic period is known for authors writing about their own personal experiences. During the Romantic period, American people imported books from Europe for casual reading. For example, James Fenimore Cooper was a Romantic author who wrote multiple books based on his childhood experiences living on the frontier. Cooper’s experiences eventually allowed him to become the prevalent novelist he was, especially since he was raised in New York making him especially susceptible to Native American tales and frontier life. Cooper’s childhood experiences and life well into his adult life influenced his writing by making him not only an inspiration but the first true American novelist (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia).
Cooper’s childhood involved him constantly being around the well-respected people of the …show more content…

However, after for two years, was expelled for an extremely dangerous prank. After the expulsion he went off to join the Navy. In the years following, Cooper met Susan Augusta De Lancey, the daughter of Loyalists during the American Revolution, which eventually forced him to leave his position in the navy in order to marry her. This new perspective of the war later influence his writings. He began writing when the newest novels from England had been imported to the Coopers’ home. On long days, Cooper’s wife read her romantic stories aloud, but on one particular day she was sick and Cooper was reading her book to her when he suddenly exclaimed “I could write you a better book than that myself!"(Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia). Cooper’s first novel was titled Precaution was set in England, and followed by The Spy: A Tale of the Neutral Ground. It was the first popular novel set in America, drawing in readers and allowing Cooper to become the prevalent author he