How Did John Locke's Ideas Influence The Declaration Of Independence

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Many of John Locke’s ideas found its way into the American revolution. John Locke’s ideas inspired the Declaration of Independence and the U.S Constitution. Living through the age of enlightenment, he never saw many of his ideas becoming a reality. He was said to have the now modern “liberal” thought. The idea of social contract is possible and all men are created equal finds its way into the declaration. Locke liked the idea of coming together logically and that people are a product of their environment. As said before Locke's ideas made their way into the constitution, in the bill of rights section 1,”We hold it to be self-evident that all persons are created…”. In 1689 Locke published his political philosophy Two Treatises of Government. This directly influenced the Declaration of Independence by using his idea of natural rights and political authority. He mainly argued that the main role of government was to protect its people. From the same book it is said to have largely outlined the system of government that is stated in the constitution. …show more content…

The founding fathers were intrigued by his social compact and limited government. His big worry was about the problems of both political and social order. Some beliefs in his contract were to enforce the law and prevent chaos. As stated before with John Locke, Hobbes also had a part in the declaration where it says,”all men are created equal…”. Not only this, but he brought up the belief that everyone who is under the rule of a government should be able to overthrow the government. Others who have read the declaration and the upbringing of the U.S government would know this is a basic idea that is found throughout writings that came after the