How Did John Locke's Impact On American And French Revolution

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John Locke was born on August 29, 1632 in England as a child Locke attended Christ church and then the university at oxford which there he studied medicine, which would play a key role in his life. Locke became a great influential philosopher writing about topics such as political philosophy, epistemology, and education. The world now sees Locke’s writing as it has helped found modern western philosophy. Early in Locke’s medical studies he met Lord Ashley whose stature grew and as it grew so did Locke’s responsibilities. Locke assisted in Shaftsbury political business, and once Shaftsbury became chancellor, Locke became Shaftsbury secretary of presentations. Shaftsbury entailed an outlook on rule and government the Locke would never forget. At an older age Locke put forth his ideas concerning the natural rights of man and the social contract. Both concepts did not only manage to stir waves in England but also impacted the intellectual and solid foundation that formed American and French revolutions. …show more content…

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