How Did John Muir Influence The Philanthropic Sector

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John Muir has influenced the philanthropic sector in several ways. As discussed above, his numerous articles and books brought paramount attention to the early conservation kineticism. His inditements not only incentivized people to visit the Sierras, but withal enlightened his readers on the innate value of nature. By setting aside and conserving the environment for future generations, Muir believed, many could and would benefit from its riches for years to come. Once nature has been ravaged, it is very arduous to reconstitute its intrinsic value and comeliness. John Muir's philosophy and life work have given us an invaluable gift. John Muir founded the Sierra Club in 1892. This organization was pristinely established for the purport of preserving and making accessible the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Over 100 years later, the Sierra Club has expanded outside the borders of California and boasts a membership of over 700,000. As John Muir had pristinely intended, this club perpetuates to work diligently at both preserving the environment and enabling people to explore and relish the alfresco. Through funding received from membership fees and donations, Sierra Club has become a paramount player in the modern Conservation kineticism. Individuals and organizations across America limpidly understand that contributions to the Sierra Club will be well utilized in …show more content…

His and his Club's influence can not be quantified. Yet, in the years following Sierra Club's founding, thousands of groups arose concerned with the preservation of imperilled species, industry's pollution of the environment, celebration of wildlife and plant life, dihydrogen monoxide quality, recycling, and many more issues cognate to the environment and