How Did Kate Branch Believe In The Crucible

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In 1962 the most infamous even in early American history happened. Approximately over 150 Massachusetts men and women were charged with witchcraft. There was another lesser known witchcraft case also. Escaping Salem The Other Witch Hunt of 1692, is the story of a witchcraft trial that took place in Stamford, Connecticut in 1692. Many believed that Kate Branch had been witchcrafted by some women in the town. Without a warning, she would fall into weird trances, start crying out of nowhere, Fall to the ground, and even stop and freeze. She even saw cats that would transform into real people and attack her, then return back into animal form.The town was split on if Kate was really witchcrafted, or if she was just acting out the whole time. Witchcraft …show more content…

The New Englanders saw mishaps as acts of witchcraft because their culture taught them to think that. They believed that the world was filled with supernatural drives that could do physical effects. It's really hard to not agree with them. I think there beliefs towards witchcraft is rational because there is no other way to explain the things that are going on. Things are too supernatural for witchcraft not to be a real thing that is dealing with the devil. I think that all the evidence they needed was right there with Kate. She had many bruises on her body and had the materialization of pins in her hand. Kate herself was even convinced that she had been witchcrafted. (“ A Witch! A Witch!” “Why will you kill me? Why will you torment me?”)-page 5. Although many blamed witchcraft and the devil for the problems Kate branch was experiencing, many were ready to call it off as fake and an act and that she had an mental illness. “Sudden losses or mishaps might well be judgements from god, sent to chastise sinners and encourage moral reformation. But sometimes these misfortunes turned out to be the handiwork of someone closer to hand with much less exalted intentions, a malign neighbor using dark cunnin to torment and even destroy- witchcraft might be to blame.”-page 4. I think this best describes the town people when it comes to witchcraft. God can send you a message about your wrongdoings but when it becomes more than a message and and more of a physical act that is evil, there is much more too