How Did Lyndon B Johnson Revitalize The Environment

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Subsequent to John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn into office. From 1963 to 1969, Johnson’s administration faced notable obstacles instigated by recurring protests regarding racial discrimination and poverty, which he aimed to address. Along with these challenges, his efforts to conserve the environment are a relevant matter as to how his administration left a lasting imprint. The measures implemented by Johnson during his term established a greater sense of trust and access to equal opportunities in American society, as evidenced by the civil rights movement, the Great Society initiatives, and the regulations aimed at alleviating environmental issues. Throughout the 1940s, 50s, and early 60s, the civil …show more content…

Shifting the focus from the individuals, the government presented its best interest concerning the physical surroundings as well. Launched by Johnson’s Administration, The Great Society initiatives aim to conserve and revitalize the environment. The president’s childhood crafted his motives towards the improvement of the geographic conditions: “Coming from humble rural beginnings, Lyndon B. Johnson’s upbringing shaped his political opinions and created a burning desire to positively impact the environment. His experiences with having a father as a state legislator, being a schoolteacher for underrepresented communities, and serving as director of the National Youth Administration of the State of Texas played pivotal roles in how Johnson viewed society” ( His attitude towards the environment is imminent throughout his term; Several Acts were passed and he signed over 300 conservation measures. Additionally, Johnson signed the Wilderness Act in 1964, authorizing Congress to designate areas for wildlife, therefore preserving them. It continues to be managed and enforced by the four federal management agencies up to this