How Did Marco Polo Influence Trade

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Marco Polo promoted change in cultures and revolutionized trading by making many trips to China and Mongolia. He eventually became Kublai Khan's confidant. Using Kublai Khan's power and Marco Polo's trading skills he created even more change like promoting people from the east to come to the west and vice versa.This is why Marco Polo had such a large impact on trading.

Marco Polo was born to a rich merchant family in 1254. His mother died when he was very young.At that time, his dad and brother were on a trading mission.Therefore, he was sent to live with his aunt and uncle.He started going to school at about five or six and learned reading, writing, geography, and math.In addition, he learned to use foreign money, to inspect products, and deal with cargo ships.

When Niccolo and Maffeo (his father and brother) finally got the chance to come back, they got blocked by the re-conquest of Byzantine and they had to turn east.While they turned east, they traded in furs, spices, and gems.Eventually they met Kublai Khan, who was interested about the Christian religion and set them on a goodwill mission to the pope. After many years of traveling, Niccolo …show more content…

Because of Marco Polo these countries started to experience Western Culture. But it was not only the East was seeing change in culture since the silk road went both ways he was also able to bring back Eastern Culture to the Western countries. The way he did this was not only just himself Marco Polo that made this change his "treasures" made people from both the East and West want to become as rich as him. He made so much money that at first people did not believe his book, many said "No man that is not royalty should never have that much treasure". But others thought, "if Marco Polo could get rich from trading I can". This is the way he led people to using his techniques and over all changing