
How Did Margaret Fuller Change Women's Rights

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Margaret Fuller’s effort to change women’s rights Back in the late 1800’s women did not have any rights, Margaret Fuller made it a mission to change that. The rights the women had was slim to none, the major thing the women could not do that upset them was voting. After the Equal Rights Movement women gained a crazy amount of rights, which changed the United States for the better. Margaret Fuller did many things to help women to have a “voice” in things they wouldn’t originally have. She was a teacher, but not a normal teacher; Margaret let her female sudents discuss the issues at hand rather than actually teach the class. Margaret met with some famous writers when she was younger, this really started her focus on womens rights and making sure everyone knew about it. Fuller had written a book over the women’s rights which was published in the early 1900’s. After fleeing London, moving to Florence with her husband she gave up women’s rights and picked up the Italian Revolution. Talk about feminsim was very strong with Margaret Fuller, she got a stronger feeling about it …show more content…

This had encouraged many other women to start doing what she had done, and get a better education. In the article written by The Nation it says that men could not take her serious because she was a thinking women, but one of her students says different; “With all the force of her intellect, all the strength of her will, all her self-denial and power of thought she was essentially and thorougly a woman, and she won her victories not by borrowing the pecluiar weapons of man, but by using her own with courage and skill.” says Ednah Dow Cheney 1902, this should really stand out to people because this just shows the ammount and effort Margaret Fuller put into her work. Fuller remains a haunting figure, not for the one book she had written but the committment she made to paper as well as

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