
How Did Martin Luther King Jr Compared To Malcom X

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Martin Luther King’s string of peaceful protests against the self-thought superior white race is what earned him the Nobel Peace Prize, Malcolm X spit hot fire against the white man’s oppression on African Americans, stating that they were blocking the path in civil rights progression. Both public figures fought for the same goal of equal treatment and opportunity, but the actions taken by this duo to reach this goal were anything but the same. When you have two ingenious men battling for the same cause, progression is bound to happen, another given is one will stride farther than the other, and in this case that’s exactly what Malcom X did.
One of the reasons Malcom X and Martin Luther King were so different has to do with how they grew up, …show more content…

Malcom’s past experiences made him the man he was, his spitfire attitude fired up the crowds he spoke to “Malcolm was not a man who believed that the problem of the African Americans would be solved through a peaceful and quiet means” (Okeke), he created an electrifying buzz in the air for racial equality. Martin Luther King brought change, but at a slower pace due to his peaceful rallies and sit in’s. MLK’s arsenal consisted only of his peaceful protests “Rev. Dr. King was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi's teachings which focused on nonviolent protest” (Bargas), King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his avocation of peaceful assemblies. After President Kennedy was assassinated Malcom made a statement saying “the chickens coming home to roost” which got him suspended from the Black Muslims, and it also angered the Islamic party, creating a hostile livelihood for Malcom X. Malcom knew that his actions would have repercussions and that he would be more important in death than in life “Malcolm X had predicted that, though he had but little time to live, he would be more important in death than in life” (History Staff). He was right in the fact that he was a martyr for not only black rights, but equal rights for all

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