How Did Martin Luther King Jr Dream

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Martin Luther King, this man undoubtedly revolutionized the feeling of equality and freedom for blacks, mainly those belonging to the United States. Knowing this great man, knowing about his life and his work, caused me a great impact and even a feeling of sadness since one thinks that how a man, ideal countess, has to die so young without being able to see himself dream come true. Martin was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia and was the first child of Reverend Martin Luther King. For twelve years he lived in a Victorian house on 501 Auburn Avenue, with his parents, grandparents, siblings and the rest of the family. Since childhood, he lived the experience of a segregationist society; At the age of six, two white friends announced that they were …show more content…

Near the residence was the Ebenezer Baptist Church, which was the parish of the father and grandfather. In this family and religious environment, his vocation was developed and at the age of 17, he was ordained, Baptist minister. In 1954, he was appointed pastor of the Baptist Church of Montgomery, Alabama, precisely the year that segregationist public education had been banned, which was maintained by the Supreme Court of the United States with numerous southern states

Here was the beginning of the struggle for equal rights for whites and blacks, and in general for all, regardless of class, had the same opportunity and were treated with the same respect. After a protest that lasted 381 days, Martin was arrested and imprisoned and his house was attacked with incendiary bombs. The boycott was terminated by a decision of the Supreme Court of the