
How Did Music Impact The 1960s

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The 1960s could justifiably be considered one of the most controversial periods of time in American history. The 1960s made its home in the height of the Vietnam War era, the lingering fear of Communist takeover, and many other events that helped shaped America and make it what it is today. Through the events of the Vietnam War; the Civil Rights Movement, and the musical concert at Woodstock, we can see how music played an important role in the impact they made to American citizens throughout the 1960s. Many of America’s greatest musical talent used music to vent their disappointments to what was happening around them during the 1960s. The 1960s could arguably be the most turbulent time in American history. Having a proper understanding of some of these events will help one to understand how music played an important …show more content…

Considered to be the event that defined the tired Baby Boomer generation, Woodstock was one of the largest musical concerts in history. Over 500,000 people attended the concert at Max Yasgur’s farm in 1969. “The Woodstock Festival was a three-day concert (which rolled into a fourth day) that involved lots of sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll - plus a lot of mud. The Woodstock Music Festival of 1969 has become an icon of the 1960s hippie counterculture.” Woodstock was born out of a desire for a peaceful coexistence within the hippie counterculture of the 1960s. As it was stated before, Woodstock could quite possibly be the most influential concert ever. This was a culmination of the moral standards that defined the entire decade of the 60s. Sexual misconduct, drugs, and rock ‘n roll were rampant during this weekend festival. Despite what many people believed, the concert was relatively peaceful. These people were hurt, frustrated, and wanted a time to reflect on the social upheaval that they took place in during the

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