The Influence Of Music In The 1970's

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The 1970’s were dominated by the Hippie Aesthetic and the doctrines that came withthis new era. The Hippie Aesthetic was known to have blossomed from psychedelia andcontinued throughout the 1970’s. In the music scene there were various types of styles beingperformed during this time and many were influenced by the Hippie Aesthetic. Music of the70’s had a tie to the culture of this time period and the bands that grew out of this period wereinfluenced by predecessors such as: jazz, classical, blues, and folk music. One well knownexample of a band that borrowed from these styles were the Beatles; they were influencedmostly by classical music in their various musical pieces. Including the popular songs, Yesterdayand Eleanor Rigby. Adapting music …show more content…

Bands like Pink Floyd used technology to produce more unusualpieces that were alluring and unique. This style featured classical music influence andadaptations that made it more 70’s modern. Pink Floyd had songs that featured electronicnoises and a more proactive style than its counterparts using the invention of the synthesizer.Next, is the third principle of Hippie Aesthetic, “Virtuosity.” Progressive rock musicians duringthis era wanted to make sure they sounded professional and well-rehearsed no matter theperformance. They wanted to play their best so they made sure they mastered their sound. Thefriendly competition of Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix in the late 60’s brought to light how amusician could be well known for their instrumental abilities. Listeners were beginning to takethe time to hear every element of the music and were recognizing good instrumentalperformers more so than in the past, which was why this was a staple of the 70’s HippieAesthetic.Another important staple of the 1970’s and fourth principle of the Hippie Aesthetic was,“’Lyrics and “big ideas.”’ Prior to the 70’s most rock music gravitated around teenage life andthemes such as love, cars, dancing, and